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We at Robideau Express Delivery  are taking the COVID-19  situation seriously and are committed to following the Heart & Stroke Foundation and Canadian Red Cross guidelines. We are committed to providing a safe and clean learning environment while still offering our services to those who require life-saving training.  We are also committed to coming up with creative ways to continue offering our services while implementing social distancing.


We are committed to following the Heart & Stroke and Canadian Red Cross IRRP recommendations for equipment decontamination during training sessions with these additional requirements from the American Heart Association and Centres for Disease Control (CDC):


  • Instructors will decontaminate the mannequin after each course participant practices or tests on the mannequin using an alcohol-based solution.

  • Face shields will not be used, and direct mouth-to-mouth ventilations will not be practiced.

  • Each course participant must be provided with a new or sanitized pocket mask and a one-way valve when practicing one-rescuer skills. Pocket masks will not be shared during the course.

  • Bag-valve masks (BVMs) will be used when practicing two-rescuer skills, and participants will wear gloves and clean BVMs between practices with an alcohol-based solution. When possible, mannequins will be spaced at least 3 feet (1 meter) apart during training, based on the World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on social distancing.

  • Instructors and participants will wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after the course, and before and after snack or meal breaks during instruction.


These additional precautions are also being practiced until further notice from Heart & Stroke and Canadian Red Cross.


  • Practice good hygiene, including handwashing as directed above.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Cough and sneeze into your sleeve and not your hands.

  • Stay home if you are sick to avoid spreading illness to others.



Please feel free to message us if you have any questions.

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